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Rules / Legal

Good dogs read the rules.The images on this site are all intended to be satirical/humorous to at least one person or dog. We prefer if people were adults. Somebody's gotta think of the children and protect them from wild imagination or icky embarrassment of having their parents explain things from the internet to them.

You agree that UnluckyWords has all rights (non-exclusive) to publish, modify, use or reject whatever you upload to this website. Don't worry - you keep yours, too.

Re-posting of content from other sites is not allowed. Upload your screen shots only.

The only allowed modifications are circling/highlighting of the UnluckyWords and removal of names/phone numbers/email addresses. No modifying the relevant text.

No hate mongering will be allowed, nor will there be any threats of any kind to any person, any place, or any institution.

All uploads are individually evaluated and approved or denied by a real human somewhere on Planet Earth.

If you want to be remembered in the database for what you upload, sign up for a free account and then sign in before uploading.

These rules are subject to change at any time.